
Page with all tables on site! Rating is based on personal use and needs:

5 stars – Perfect
4 stars – Excellent
3 stars – Very good
2 stars – Good
1 start – Useful and handy, but not critical

WebTools and web services

List of handy Webtools, websites and links.
Centralops, Whois5
DigWebInterface Dig, Dns, Domain5
Domain tools, Whois5
Domain toolshttp://www.viewdns.infoDNS5
Domain toolshttp://FixYourIP.comDNS4
Domain toolshttp://mega-check.comDNS4
Domain tools Lookup, Whois, BL, ports, headers4
Domain Toolkit, Network tool4
MX Toolbox; Supertool, tcp, https, blacklist, smtp, trace, etc1
Domain Toolkithttp://www.intodns.comDNS, Multi reports4
SPF query query
Toolkithttps://bgp.he.netBGP toolkit3
Pingabilityhttp://pingability.comMonitor and downtime3
Hex colours
What is my IP DNS Lookup Tool 4
DNS Checker, multilocation5
DNSWatch Dossier4
Luxsci Domain check5
Emailstuff, Email, dmarc5
DNS DNS checker4
DNS Spy , Monitor, validate and verify 4
Whois lookup4
Geolocation – Geolocation IP checker 4
Domain DKIM checks 4
Domain DKIM, DKIM4
Domain DKIM, Dmarc Inspect 4
Domain Dmarc, DKIM, Dmarc Analyzer4
Debouncer Blacklist checks 4
Mail Blacklist Blacklist checks 4
Spamcop Blacklist checks 3
SSL Certificate Tools Certificate Tools4
SSL Labs full SSL review validator and ciphers5
Digicert Website SSL Diagnostics;4
Digicert Security and SSL/CSR checker;4
SSL and Chrome, distrust check, for Chrome 70+4
Geocert checker4
SSL, Email, TLS , multiple checks checker4
Free tools, basic SSL/CSR checks checker4
SSL tools tools4
SSL For Free – Completely free! certs5
Free SSL generation; Check SSL/CSR certs4
Analyze Responce Headers
Analyze Responce Headershttp://securityheaders.ioHeaders5
HTTP Header Checker Checker5
Message Headers Headers5
Message Header Analyzer
Message Header Analyzer
WorldTimeBuddy Difference5
Time.is clock3
Virustotal – Virus Checks analysis5
MetaDefender Cloud check4
Jotti check4
Fortiguard Scanner Online4
Kasperski File checker4
Https redirects Status checks5
Robots check4
Robots examples check4
Robots check4
Robbots Twitter Robots check4
SSL Security Test, SSL test4
Crypto checks, Cryptography checks4
Amazon AWS AWS5
Cloud Portal Azure Portal4
MS Cloud , Azurehttps://account.windowsazure.comAzure Account Center 4
MS Cloud, AAD admin center4
MS Cloud, Azure to a tenant AAD 4
MS Cloud, Portal O365 Portal4
MS Cloud, O365 login4
MS Cloud, OWA Office Web App (OWA) 4
MS Cloud, Onedrive
MS Cloud, MSD admin Microsoft 365 admin center (pre H2/2019) 4
MS Cloud, O365 admin NEW Microsoft 365 admin center 4
MS Cloud, MSD MS Dynamics4
MS Cloud, MSD admin (MSD) 4
MS Cloud, PowerBI
MS Cloud, Help Help4
Atlassian, Modern view4
Atlassian, Legacy view4
MS Dynamics Modern View4
MS Dynamics View, for admins 4
Domains Registrars, cheap, bitpay5
Domains Registrars Registrar, many tLDs4
Domains Registrars, auctions too3
Domains Registrars Registrar, auctions3
Domains Registrars
Domains Registrars, many tLDs3
Domains Registrars Auctions4
Domains Registrars domains grab5
Crypto News
Crypto news
Crypto news
Crypto news
Crypto news
Crypto news 4
Crypto news news 4
Crypto news FX3
Crypto news
Crypto news Capitalisation5
Crypto Stats Cap and wedges5
Crypto Stats Charts4
Crypto Statshttps://bitcointicker.coTicker stats4
Crypto Stats 4
Crypto Stats Dance, graphs and chart5
Crypto Stats
Crypto Stats private search engine3
Crypto Stats
Crypto Stats charts5
Crypto fun predicton tool to $1mil4
Crypto fun Ongoing Obituaries5
Crypto Excahngeshttps://www.coinbase.comCoinbase3
Crypto Excahnges excanging5
Crypto Excahngeshttps://www.bitmex.comBitmex5
Crypto Excahnges
Crypto Excahnges
Crypto Excahnges, social trading4
Crypto Excahnges – Social Trading Exchange (no crypto cashout)4
Crypto Excahnges
Crypto Twitter
Crypto Twitter
Crypto Twitter Coinmetrics.comTwitter chanel3
WebPageTest, performance tests3
Crypto DataMish, statshttp://datamish.comcrypto info3
Crypto Whale Alerts alerts, big transfers and moves3
Anonymous files uploadhttps://anonfile.comanon uploads5
Anonymous files upload uploads
Anonymous files upload uploads4
Anonymous image upload images, with expiry date5
Email Validator email inbox3
Email Validator email inbox4
Email Server check Email, Starttls4
Can I use? browser support4
Wiki of TLS, browser support 5
Have I been pawned email check5
Ghostproject email check3
check your email email check4
leak database email check4
Latest email Leaks email check4
Hacked passwords email check4
Hacked emails email check4
Dehashed, emails email check4
Strip HTML tags tags remove3
Exif view remove remover3
Full emji list emji list2
Hash decrypt is a hash lookup service4
Hex binary convert binary convert3
MD crypt decrypt crypt decrypt3
Hash crypt decrypt dehash3
MathTools math utilities and tools4
TechURLs news aggregator. Headlines, technology3
Math URLs news aggregator. Headlines, Maths3
Financial URLs news aggregator. Headlines, Finance3
TLD-list, compare, domains5
Ping Tools 3
dpi resolution pixel resolution4
dpi resolution pixel resolution4
Aspect ratio

Portable Executables and some Installables

Recommended List of useful Online and Offline tools
SoftetherVPN poject
MS Office
Foxit Advanced PDF Editor 3.05
ShareX, screencapture and more
XCA - SSL Management tool, SSL ,CSR, RSA, DSA, PFX, PEM
10+ Essential IP tools for Admins. DNS Audit, Network, WMI
Total Commander
ABBYY 14 – OCR Project
Autoruns, WMI and auto startup
Cryping, command line extended ping
Daphne - system tool
Easy Robocopy
FastStone, image viewer and editor Portablefree5
qBittorrent , Best Bittorrent client
Terminals, RDP manager and network tools
TCP View
WinCDEmu – ISO emulator
Teracopy, better copying
IIS Crypto - IIS Crypto, manage protocols, ciphers, hashes
BareGrep (also BareTail)
SageLinks, SymLinks, HardLinks
NTFSViewLinks, SymLinks, Hardlinks, etc
Lastpass, passwords
Enpass, passwords
Keepass, password safe, opensource
BeCyPDFMetaEdit, edit pdf metadata
MobaXterm, Linux terminal SSL client
Putty, Linux terminal. SSH client
Hash Manager, change any file hash
Gimp, image editor
HeidiSQL, SQL client
pgAdmin, postgress client
Sumatra, PDF reader
WildRename, wildcard rename utility
WildReplace, wildcard replace utility
WinDJViewer, djv viewer
GIT for windows, SSH terminal for Win
FileMenuTools, edit explorer menus
Mozilla Firefox, browser
Chrome, browser
Opera, browser
MouseEmu, emulate mouse with keyboard
Autohotkeys. Key emulator
NeatMouse, emulate mouse with keyboard
Babun, Windows shell you will love (Discontinued)
Calibre, Ebook management (can be portable)free5
Clavie, keyborad shortcuts
Angry IP scanner, IP range scan
PingInfoView, advanced ping tool
Advanced IP Scanner, network LAN scanner

Windows RUN Shortcuts

Type of CommandCanonical NameCommandKeywordOS
Control Panel Applet, Accessibility Optionscontrol access.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletAction Centercontrol /name Microsoft.ActionCentercpl8, 7
Control Panel AppleRecent Messagescontrol wscui.cplcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletAdd Features to Windows 8control /name Microsoft.WindowsAnytimeUpgradecplWin8
Control Panel AppletAdd Hardwarecontrol /name Microsoft.AddHardwarecplVista
Control Panel AppletDevice Manager (W10)control hdwwiz.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletAdd or Remove Programscontrol appwiz.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletAdministrative Toolscontrol /name Microsoft.AdministrativeToolscpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletAdministrative Toolscontrol admintoolscpl10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletAutomatic Updatescontrol wuaucpl.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletAutoPlaycontrol /name Microsoft.AutoPlaycpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletBackup and Restore Centercontrol /name Microsoft.BackupAndRestoreCentercplVista
Control Panel AppletBackup and Restorecontrol /name Microsoft.BackupAndRestorecpl7
Control Panel AppletBiometric Devicescontrol /name Microsoft.BiometricDevicescpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletBitLocker Drive Encryptioncontrol /name Microsoft.BitLockerDriveEncryptioncpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletBluetooth Devicescontrol bthprops.cpl 13cpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletBluetooth Devicescontrol /name Microsoft.BluetoothDevicescplVista
Control Panel AppletColor Managementcontrol /name Microsoft.ColorManagementcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletColor 1WinColor.exe 2cplXP
Control Panel AppletCredential Managercontrol /name Microsoft.CredentialManagercpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletClient Service for NetWarecontrol nwc.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletDate and Timecontrol /name Microsoft.DateAndTimecpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletDate and Timecontrol timedate.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletDate and Timecontrol date/timecpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletDefault Locationcontrol /name Microsoft.DefaultLocationcplWin7
Control Panel AppletDefault Programscontrol /name Microsoft.DefaultProgramscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletDesktop Gadgetscontrol /name Microsoft.DesktopGadgetscplWin7
Control Panel AppletDevice Managercontrol /name Microsoft.DeviceManagercpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletDevice Managercontrol hdwwiz.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletDevice Managerdevmgmt.mscmsc8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletDevices and Printerscontrol /name Microsoft.DevicesAndPrinterscpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletDevices and Printerscontrol printerscpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletDisplaycontrol /name Microsoft.Displaycpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletDisplaycontrol desk.cplcpl10, XP
Control Panel AppletSetting Backgroundcontrol desktopcpl10, XP
Control Panel AppletEase of Access Centercontrol /name Microsoft.EaseOfAccessCentercpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletEase of Access Centercontrol access.cplcpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletFamily Safetycontrol /name Microsoft.ParentalControlscplWin8
Control Panel AppletFile Historycontrol /name Microsoft.FileHistorycplWin8
Control Panel AppletFlash Player Settings Managercontrol flashplayercplapp.cplcplWin8
Control Panel AppletFolder Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.FolderOptionscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletFile Explorer Optionscontrol folderscpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletFontscontrol /name Microsoft.Fontscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletFontscontrol fontscpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletGame Controllerscontrol /name Microsoft.GameControllerscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletGame Controllercontrol joy.cplcpl10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletGet Programscontrol /name Microsoft.GetProgramscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletGetting Startedcontrol /name Microsoft.GettingStartedcplWin7
Control Panel AppletHome Groupcontrol /name Microsoft.HomeGroupcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletIndexing Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.IndexingOptionscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletIndexing options (W10)rundll32.exe shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL srchadmin.dllcpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletInfraredcontrol /name Microsoft.Infraredcpl10, 8, 7
Control Panel AppletInfraredcontrol irprops.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletInfraredcontrol /name Microsoft.InfraredOptionscplVista
Control Panel AppletInternet Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.InternetOptionscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletInternet Optionscontrol inetcpl.cplcpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletiSCSI Initiatorcontrol /name Microsoft.iSCSIInitiatorcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletKeyboardcontrol /name Microsoft.Keyboardcpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletKeyboardcontrol keyboardcpl10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletLanguagecontrol /name Microsoft.Languagecpl10, 8
Control Panel AppletLocation and Other Sensorscontrol /name Microsoft.LocationAndOtherSensorscpl10, 7
Control Panel AppletLocation Settingscontrol /name Microsoft.LocationSettingscplWin8
Control Panel AppletMail 4control mlcfg32.cpl 5cpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletMousecontrol /name Microsoft.Mousecpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletMousecontrol main.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletMousecontrol mousecpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletNetwork and Sharing Centercontrol /name Microsoft.NetworkAndSharingCentercpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletNetwork Connectionscontrol ncpa.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletNetwork Connectionscontrol netconnectionscpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletNetwork Setup Wizardcontrol netsetup.cplcpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletNotification Area Iconscontrol /name Microsoft.NotificationAreaIconscpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletODBC Data Source Administratorcontrol odbccp32.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletOffline Filescontrol /name Microsoft.OfflineFilescpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletParental Controlscontrol /name Microsoft.ParentalControlscpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPen and Input Devicescontrol /name Microsoft.PenAndInputDevicescplVista
Control Panel AppletPen and Input Devicescontrol tabletpc.cplcplVista
Control Panel AppletPen and Touchcontrol /name Microsoft.PenAndTouchcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletPen and Touchcontrol tabletpc.cplcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletPeople Near Mecontrol /name Microsoft.PeopleNearMecpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPeople Near Mecontrol collab.cplcpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPerformance Information and Toolscontrol /name Microsoft.PerformanceInformationAndToolscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPersonalizationcontrol /name Microsoft.Personalizationcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPersonalizationcontrol desktopcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPhone and Modem Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.PhoneAndModemOptionscplVista
Control Panel AppletPhone and Modem Optionscontrol telephon.cplcplVista, XP
Control Panel AppletPhone and Modemcontrol /name Microsoft.PhoneAndModemcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletPhone and Modemcontrol telephon.cplcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletPower Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.PowerOptionscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPower Optionscontrol powercfg.cplcpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletPrinters and Faxescontrol printerscplXP
Control Panel AppletPrinterscontrol /name Microsoft.PrinterscplVista
Control Panel AppletPrinterscontrol printerscplVista
Control Panel AppletProblem Reports and Solutionscontrol /name Microsoft.ProblemReportsAndSolutionscplVista
Control Panel AppletPrograms and Featurescontrol /name Microsoft.ProgramsAndFeaturescpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletPrograms and Featurescontrol appwiz.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletRecoverycontrol /name Microsoft.Recoverycpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletRegioncontrol /name Microsoft.RegionAndLanguagecplWin8
Control Panel AppletRegioncontrol intl.cplcplWin8
Control Panel AppletRegioncontrol internationalcplWin8
Control Panel AppletRegion and Languagecontrol /name Microsoft.RegionAndLanguagecplWin7
Control Panel AppletRegion and Languagecontrol intl.cplcplWin7
Control Panel AppletRegion and Languagecontrol internationalcplWin7
Control Panel AppletRegional and Language Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.RegionalAndLanguageOptionscplVista
Control Panel AppletRegional and Language Optionscontrol intl.cplcplVista
Control Panel AppletRegional and Language Optionscontrol internationalcplVista, XP
Control Panel AppletRemoteApp and Desktop Connectionscontrol /name Microsoft.RemoteAppAndDesktopConnectionscpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletScanners and Camerascontrol /name Microsoft.ScannersAndCamerascpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletScanners and Camerascontrol sticpl.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletScheduled Taskscontrol schedtaskscplXP
Control Panel AppletScreen Resolutioncontrol desk.cplcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletSecurity Centercontrol /name Microsoft.SecurityCentercplVista
Control Panel AppletSecurity Centercontrol wscui.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletSoftware Explorers 8msascui.exe 9cplXP
Control Panel AppletSoundcontrol /name Microsoft.Soundcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletSoundcontrol /name Microsoft.AudioDevicesAndSoundThemescplVista
Control Panel AppletSoundcontrol mmsys.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletSounds and Audio Devicescontrol mmsys.cplcplXP
Control Panel AppletSpeech Recognition Optionscontrol /name Microsoft.SpeechRecognitionOptionscplVista
Control Panel AppletSpeech Recognitioncontrol /name Microsoft.SpeechRecognitioncpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletSpeechcontrol sapi.cpl 10cplXP
Control Panel AppletStorage Spacescontrol /name Microsoft.StorageSpacescplWin8
Control Panel AppletSync Centercontrol /name Microsoft.SyncCentercpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletSystemcontrol /name Microsoft.Systemcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletSystem Propertiescontrol sysdm.cplcpl7, XP
Control Panel AppletSystem Propertiescontrol sysdm.cplcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletTablet PC Settingscontrol /name Microsoft.TabletPCSettingscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletTask Scheduler 7control schedtaskscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletTaskbarcontrol /name Microsoft.Taskbarcpl10, 8
Control Panel AppletTaskbarrundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 1cplWin8
Control Panel AppletTaskbar and Start Menucontrol /name Microsoft.TaskbarAndStartMenucpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletTaskbar and Start Menurundll32.exe shell32.dll,Options_RunDLL 1cpl7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletText to Speechcontrol /name Microsoft.TextToSpeechcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletTroubleshootingcontrol /name Microsoft.Troubleshootingcpl8, 7
Control Panel AppletUser Accountscontrol /name Microsoft.UserAccountscpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletUser Accountscontrol userpasswords control userpasswords2cpl8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletWelcome Centercontrol /name Microsoft.WelcomeCentercplVista
Control Panel AppletWindows 7 File Recoverycontrol /name Microsoft.BackupAndRestorecplWin8
Control Panel AppletWindows Anytime Upgradecontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsAnytimeUpgradecpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows CardSpacecontrol /name Microsoft.CardSpacecpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows CardSpacecontrol infocardcpl.cplcpl7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows Defendercontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsDefendercpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows Firewallcontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsFirewallcpl8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows Firewallcontrol firewall.cplcpl10, 8, 7, Vista, XP
Control Panel AppletWindows Marketplacecontrol /name Microsoft.GetProgramsOnlinecplVista only
Control Panel AppletWindows Mobility Centercontrol /name Microsoft.MobilityCentercpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWindows Sidebar Propertiescontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsSidebarPropertiescplVista only
Control Panel AppletWindows SideShowcontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsSideShowcpl8,7, Vista only
Control Panel AppletWindows Updatecontrol /name Microsoft.WindowsUpdatecpl10, 8, 7, Vista
Control Panel AppletWireless Link, Infraredcontrol irprops.cplcpl10, XP
ExecutableAccessibility OptionsutilmanexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableAdd Hardware WizardhdwwizexeWin7, 8, 10
Control Panel Applet(Add New Programs)control appwiz.cpl,,1cplWin7, 8, 10
Control Panel Applet(Add Remove Windows Components)control appwiz.cpl,,2cplWin7, 8, 10
Control Panel Applet(Set Program Access & Defaults )control appwiz.cpl,,3cplWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableAdvanced User Accounts Control PanelnetplwizexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleAuthorization Managerazman.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableAutomatic Updatecontrol wuaucpl.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableBackup and Restore UtilitysdcltexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableBluetooth Transfer WizardfsquirtexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableCalculatorcalcexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleCertificate Managercertmgr.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableCharacter MapcharmapexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableCheck Disk UtilitychkdskexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableClear Type (tune or turn off)cttuneexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableColor ManagementcolorcplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableCommand PromptcmdexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableComponent ServicesdcomcnfgexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleComponent Servicescomexp.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableComputer ManagementCompMgmtLauncher.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleComputer Managementcompmgmt.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableControl PanelcontrolexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableCredential (passwords) Backup and Restore WizardcredwizexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableData Execution PreventionSystemPropertiesDataExecutionPreventionexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDate and Time Propertiestimedate.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDevice Pairing WizardDevicePairingWizardexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDigitizer Calibration Tool (Tablets/Touch screens)tabcalexeWin7, 8, 10
Control Panel AppletDirect X Control Panel (if installed)directx.cplcplWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDirect X TroubleshooterdxdiagexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisk Cleanup UtilitycleanmgrexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisk DefragmenterdfrguiexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisk DefragmenterdefragexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleDisk Managementdiskmgmt.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisk Partition ManagerdiskpartexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisplay Color CalibrationdccwexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisplay DPI / Text sizedpiscalingexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisplay Properties (Themes, Desktop, Screensaver)control desktopexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisplay Properties (Resolution, Orientation)desk.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDisplay Properties (Color & Appearance)control colorexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDocuments (open 'My Documents' folder)documentsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDownloads (open 'Downloads' folder)downloadsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDriver Verifier UtilityverifierexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDVD PlayerdvdplayexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableEdit Environment Variablesrundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditEnvironmentVariablesexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableEncrypting File System Wizard (EFS)rekeywizexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleEvent Viewereventvwr.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableFile Signature Verification Tool (Device drivers)sigverifexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableFiles and Settings Transfer Tool%systemroot%\system32\migwiz\migwiz.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableFolders Propertiescontrol foldersexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableFonts listcontrol fontsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableFont previewfontview arial.ttfexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableGame Controllersjoy.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleLocal Group Policy Editorgpedit.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableInternet Propertiesinetcpl.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableIP ConfigurationipconfigexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableiSCSI Initiator configurationiscsicplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableKeyboard Propertiescontrol keyboardexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableLanguage Pack InstallerlpksetupexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleLocal Security Policysecpol.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableLog outlogoffexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableMicrosoft Malicious Software Removal ToolmrtexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableMicrosoft Management ConsolemmcexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableAccess (Microsoft Office)msaccessexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableExcel (Microsoft Office)ExcelexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePowerpoint (Microsoft Office)powerpntexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWord (Microsoft Office)winwordexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableMicrosoft PaintmspaintexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableMicrosoft Support Diagnostic ToolmsdtexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableProjector: Connect to Network ProjectornetprojexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableProjector: Switch projector displaydisplayswitchexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableNotepadnotepadexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableODBC Data Source AdminC:\windows\system32\odbcad32.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableDefault ODBC driver: 32-bit ODBC driver under 64-bit platformC:\windows\sysWOW64\odbcad32.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableODBC configuration - Install/configure MDAC driversodbcconfexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableOn Screen KeyboardoskexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableOOB Getting StartedgettingstartedexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePassword - Create a Windows Password Reset Disk (USB)"C:\Windows\system32\rundll32.exe" keymgr.dll,PRShowSaveWizardExWexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consolePerformance Monitorperfmon.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePhone DialerdialerexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePresentation SettingsPresentationSettingsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableProblem Steps RecorderpsrexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableProgram Access and Computer Defaults - browser / email / mediacomputerdefaultsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePrinters and Faxescontrol printersexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consolePrint ManagementPrintManagement.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePrinter Migration (backup/restore)printbrmui and printbrm.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePrinter user interface (List all printui.dll options)printuiexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutablePrivate Character EditoreudceditexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableRegional Settings - Language, Date/Time format, keyboard locale.intl.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableRegistry EditorregeditexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableRemote AssistancemsraexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableRemote DesktopmstscexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableResource MonitorresmonexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleResultant Set of Policyrsop.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSettings (Windows 10)ms-settings:exeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableScheduled Taskscontrol schedtasksexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableScreenshot Snipping ToolsnippingtoolexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleServicesservices.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableShared Folder WizardshrpubwexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleShared Foldersfsmgmt.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableShut Down WindowsshutdownexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableEXAMPLE: Immediately
Restart immediately
Abort shutdown/restart countdown
shutdown /s /t 0
shutdown /r /t 0
shutdown /a
exeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSoftware Licensing/ActivationsluiexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSound RecordersoundrecorderexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSound VolumesndvolexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSyncronization Tool (Offline files)mobsyncexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleSystem Configuration UtilitymsconfigmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem File Checker Utility (Scan/Purge)sfcexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem Informationmsinfo32exeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem Properties - PerformanceSystemPropertiesPerformanceexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem Properties - HardwareSystemPropertiesHardwareexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem Properties - AdvancedSystemPropertiesAdvancedexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem Repair - Create a System Repair DiscrecdiscexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableSystem RestorerstruiexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableTask ManagertaskmgrexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleTask Schedulertaskschd.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableTelnet ClienttelnetexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableTrusted Platform Module Initialization WizardtpmInitexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableUser Accounts (Autologon)control userpasswords2exeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableUser Account Control (UAC) SettingsUserAccountControlSettingsexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableUser Profiles - Edit/Change typeC:\Windows\System32\rundll32.exe sysdm.cpl,EditUserProfilesexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Disc Image Burning Toolisoburn C:\movies\madmax.isoexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Explorerexplorer.exeexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows FeaturesoptionalfeaturesexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Firewallfirewall.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleWindows Firewall with Advanced Securitywf.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Image Acquisition (scanner)wiaacmgrexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows MagnifiermagnifyexeWin7, 8, 10
Management consoleWindows Management Infrastructurewmimgmt.mscmscWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Memory Diagnostic SchedulermdschedexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Mobility Center (Mobile PCs only)mblctrexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows PowerShellpowershellexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows PowerShell ISEpowershell_iseexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Security Action Centerwscui.cplexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Script Host(VBScript)wscript NAME_OF_SCRIPT.VBSexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows System Security Tool. Encrypt the SAM database. (boot password.)syskeyexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows UpdatewuappexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Update Standalone InstallerwusaexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWindows Version (About Windows)winverexeWin7, 8, 10
ExecutableWordPadwriteexeWin7, 8, 10
DeprecatedMicrosoft.BackupAndRestoreCenter/Microsoft.BackupAndRestoreremoved in Win 8
DeprecatedMicrosoft.CardSpaceremoved in Win 8
DeprecatedMicrosoft.DesktopGadgetsremoved in Win 8
DeprecatedMicrosoft.GetProgramsOnlineremoved in Win 7
DeprecatedMicrosoft.PeopleNearMeremoved in Win 8.1
DeprecatedMicrosoft.PerformanceInformationAndToolsremoved in Win 8.1
DeprecatedMicrosoft.WindowsSidebarPropertiesremoved in Win 8.1
DeprecatedMicrosoft.WindowsSideShowremoved in Win 8.1
commandrunasrunas /user:administrator controlfull commandWin 10
commandView IP confignetsh interface ip show configfull commandWin 10
commandConfigure interface 'Local Area Connection' with [IPaddr] [Netmask] [DefaultGW]netsh interface ip set address local static [IPaddr] [Netmask] [DefaultGW] 1full commandWin 10
commandConfigure DNS server for 'Local Area Connection'netsh interface ip set dns local static [IPaddr]full commandWin 10
commandConfigure interface to use DHCPnetsh interface ip set address local dhcpfull commandWin 10
commandTurn off built-in Windows firewallnetsh firewall set opmode disablefull commandWin 10
variableC:\ProgramDataALLUSERSPROFILEvariableWin 10
variableC:\Users\{username}\AppData\RoamingAPPDATAvariableWin 10
variableThe current directory (string)CDvariableWin 10
regAdd a key to the registry on machine [TargetIPaddr] within the registry domain [RegDomain] to location [Key].reg add [\\TargetIPaddr\] [RegDomain]\[Key]RegeditWin 10
regExport all subkeys and values located in the domain [RegDomain] under the location [Key] to the file [FileName]reg export [RegDomain]\[Key] [FileName]RegeditWin 10
regImport all registry entries from the file [FileName]reg import [FileName]RegeditWin 10
regQuery for a specific Value of a Key:reg query [\\TargetIPaddr\][RegDomain]\[Key] /v [ValueName]regeditWin 10
wmicUseful [aliases]:
qfe (Quick Fix Engineering – shows patches)
wmic [alias] [where clause] [verb clause]wmicWin 10
wmicExample[where clauses]:where name="nc.exe"where (commandline like "%stuff")where (name="cmd.exe" and parentprocessid!="[pid]")wmicWin 10
wmicExample [verb clauses]:list [full|brief]get [attrib1,attrib2...]call [method]deletewmicWin 10
wmicList all attributes of [alias]wmic [alias] get /?wmicWin 10
wmicList all callable methods of [alias]wmic [alias] call /?wmicWin 10
wmicEXAMPLE: List all attributes of all running processeswmic process list fullwmicWin 10
wmicEXAMPLE: Make WMIC effect remote [TargetIPaddr]wmic /node:[TargetIPaddr] /user:[User] /password:[Passwd] process list fullwmicWin 10
ExecutableList all processes currently runningtasklistprocessWin 10
ExecutableList all processes currently running and the DLLs each has loadedtasklist /mprocessWin 10
ExecutableLists all processes currently running which have the specified [dll] loadedtasklist /m [dll]processWin 10
ExecutableList all processes currently running and the services hosted in those processestasklist /svcprocessWin 10
ExecutableQuery brief status of all servicessc queryservicesWin 10
ExecutableQuery the configuration of a specific servicesc qc [ServiceName]servicesWin 10
ExecutableShow all TCP and UDP port usage and process IDnetstat -anetworkWin 10
ExecutableTo list out only tcp connectionsnetstat -tnetworkWin 11
ExecutableListing all LISTENING Connectionsnetstat -lnetworkWin 12
ExecutableLook for usage of port [port] every [N] secondsnetstat -ano [N] | find [port]networkWin 10
ExecutableDump detailed protocol statisticsnetstat -ano -p [tcp|udp|ip|icmp]networkWin 10
commandSearch directory structure for a file in a specific directorydir /b /s [Directory]\[FileName]cplWin 10
commandCount the number of lines on StandardOuy of [Command][Command] | find /c /v ""cplWin 10
commandCounting Loop;
Set %i to an initial value of [start] and increment it by [step] at every iteration until its value is equal to [stop]. For each iteration, run [command]. The iterator variable %i can be used anywhere in the command to represent its current value
for /L %i in ([start],[step],[stop]) do [command]cplWin 10
commandIterate over file contents;
Iterate through the contents of the file on a line-by-line basis. For each iteration, store the contents of the line into %i and run [command]
for /F %i in ([file-set]) do [command]commandWin 10
Control Panel AppletLocal User Manager (includes group management)lusrmgr.msccommandWin 10
Shell CommandAccesses the account pictures folder you have in your Windows 10
Shell CommandAdds a new program
Shell CommandAccesses administrative tools ToolsshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses AppData folder in the Windows 10
Shell CommandAccesses Application Shortcuts ShortcutsshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the Apps
Shell CommandAccesses the Apps updates
Shell CommandAccesses the Cache
Shell CommandAccess camera roll RollshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the temporary burn BurningshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the Remove/Change program
Shell CommandAccesses the Administrative Tools Administrative ToolsshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the Common AppData AppDatashellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the public desktop DesktopshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses Public Documents DocumentsshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses Programs ProgramsshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses the start menu Start MenushellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses Startup folder situated in t he Windows 10 StartupshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses “Common Templates” TemplatesshellWin10
Shell CommandAccesses Downloads
Shell CommandAccesses the music
Shell CommandAccesses “Pictures”
Shell CommandAccesses the ringtones
Shell CommandAccesses the public Video
Shell CommandAccesses the Conflict folder in the Windows 10
Shell CommandOpens up the connections foldershell:ConnectionsFoldershellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Contact foldershell:ContactsshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Control panel
Shell CommandOpens the Cookies
Shell CommandOpens the Credential manager
Shell CommandOpens up the Crypto keys foldershell:CryptoKeysshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the CSC
Shell CommandOpens up the Desktop
Shell CommandOpens the metadata store Metadata StoreshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Documents Library foldershell:DocumentsLibraryshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Downloads foldershell:DownloadsshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the DpapiKeys foldershell:DpapiKeysshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Favorites
Shell CommandOpens the Fonts
Shell CommandOpens the Games
Shell CommandOpens the Game Tasks foldershell:GameTasksshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the History foldershell:HistoryshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the HomeGroup folder for the current
Shell CommandOpens HomeGroup
Shell CommandOpens the Implicit Apps shortcut
Shell CommandOpens Internet
Shell CommandOpens Libraries
Shell CommandOpens the Links
Shell CommandOpens Local AppData AppDatashellWin10
Shell CommandOpens Local AppDataLow
Shell CommandOpens LocalizedResources
Shell CommandOpens MAPI
Shell CommandOpens LusicLibrary
Shell CommandOpens My Music MusicshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens My Video VideoshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens MyComputer
Shell CommandOpens NetHood
Shell CommandOpens NetworkPlaces
Shell CommandOpens OEM Links LinksshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens OneDrive folder in Windows 10shell:OneDriveshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens Original Images ImagesshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens Personal
Shell CommandOpens PhotoAlbums
Shell Commandopens PicturesLibrary
Shell CommandOpens Playlists
Shell CommandOpens Printer
Shell CommandOpens PrintHood
Shell CommandOpens Profile
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFiles
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFilesCommon
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFilesCommonX64
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFilesCommonX86
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFilesX64
Shell CommandOpens ProgramFilesX86
Shell CommandOpens Programs
Shell CommandOpens Public
Shell CommandOpens PublicAccountPictures
Shell CommandOpens PublicGameTasks
Shell CommandOpens PublicLibraries
Shell CommandOpens Quick Launch LaunchshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up recent items foldershell:RecentshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up recorder file in the Windows 10 systemshell:RecordedTVLibraryshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the system Recycle Bin foldershell:RecycleBinFoldershellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up the Resource foldershell:ResourceDirshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up Demo foldershell:Retail DemoshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up the Ringtones folder in Windows 10shell:RingtonesshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens up the Roamed Tile images foldershell:Roamed Tile ImagesshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Roaming Tiles foldershell:Roaming TilesshellWin10
Shell CommandIt opens the SavedGames folder you have in the Windows 10 systemshell:SavedGamesshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Screenshots foldershell:ScreenshotsshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the Search
Shell CommandOpens the Search History folder you have in the
Shell CommandOpens the Search Home
Shell CommandOpens the Search templates
Shell CommandOpens the SendTo
Shell CommandOpens the SkyDriveCameraRoll
Shell CommandOpens the SkyDriveMusic
Shell CommandOpens the SkyDrivePictures
Shell CommandOpens up the Start menu MenushellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the AllPrograms folder you have in the start
Shell CommandOpens the Startup
Shell CommandOpens the SyncCenter
Shell CommandOpens the SyncResults
Shell Commandopens the SyncSetup
Shell CommandOpens the System
Shell CommandOpens the SystemCertificates
Shell CommandOpens SystemX86
Shell CommandOpens the Templates
Shell CommandOpens the ThisPCDesktop
Shell CommandOpens User pinned PinnedshellWin10
Shell CommandOpens the user profiles
Shell CommandOpens Program Files
Shell CommandOpens Program Files Common
Shell CommandOpens the Files folder from a specific user you are logged in
Shell CommandOpens the Libraries folder for a specific
Shell CommandOpens Video library
Shell CommandOpens the "Windows"
Key ShortcutClose GUI windowsALT+F4shortcutWin 10
OpenSSLCreate new Private Key and Certificate Signing Requestreq -out geekflare.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout geekflare.keyOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCreate a Self-Signed Certificate (dafault 30 days)openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout gfselfsigned.key -out gfcert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCreate a Self-Signed Certificate (for 2 years)openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout gfselfsigned.key -out gfcert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLPrint certificate’s fingerprint as md5, sha1, sha256 digestopenssl x509 -in cert.pem -fingerprint -sha256 -nooutOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLVerify CSR fileopenssl req -noout -text -in geekflare.csrOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCreate RSA Private Key (2048-bis is secure enough)openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLRemove Passphrase from Keyopenssl rsa -in certkey.key -out nopassphrase.keyOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLPrint public key or modulus onlyopenssl rsa -in example.key -puboutOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLPrint textual representation of RSA keyopenssl rsa -in example.key -text -nooutOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCheck your private key.openssl rsa -check -in example.keyOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLEncrypt existing private key with a passphraseopenssl rsa -des3 -in example.key -out example_with_pass.keyOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLVerify Private Keyopenssl rsa -in certkey.key –checkOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLVerify Certificate Fileopenssl x509 -in certfile.pem -text –nooutOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLVerify the Certificate Signer Authorityopenssl x509 -in certfile.pem -noout -issuer -issuer_hashOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCheck Hash Value of A Certificateopenssl x509 -noout -hash -in bestflare.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert DER to PEM formatopenssl x509 –inform der –in sslcert.der –out sslcert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert PEM to DER formatopenssl x509 –outform der –in sslcert.pem –out sslcert.derOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert Certificate and Private Key to PKCS#12 formatopenssl pkcs12 –export –out sslcert.pfx –inkey key.pem –in sslcert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert Certificate and Private Key to PKCS#12 format including chainsopenssl pkcs12 –export –out sslcert.pfx –inkey key.pem –in sslcert.pem -chain cacert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCreate CSR using an existing private keyopenssl req –out certificate.csr –key existing.key –newOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCheck contents of PKCS12 format certopenssl pkcs12 –info –nodes –in cert.p12OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert PKCS12 format to PEM certificateopenssl pkcs12 –in cert.p12 –out cert.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCombine several certificates in PKCS7 (P7B)openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile child.crt -certfile ca.crt -out example.p7bOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCombine a PEM and a private key to PKCS#12 (.pfx .p12) + chainsopenssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in certificate.pem -certfile ca-chain.pemOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConvert a PKCS#12 file (.pfx .p12) back to PEM (for export)openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.pfx -out keystore.pem -nodesOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLList available EC curves supported in OpenSSLopenssl ecparam -list_curvesOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLTest SSL certificate of particular URLopenssl s_client -connect –showcertsOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLFind out OpenSSL versionopenssl versionOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLList cipher suitesopenssl ciphers -vOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCheck PEM File Certificate Expiration Dateopenssl x509 -noout -in certificate.pem -datesOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLCheck Certificate Expiration Date of SSL URLopenssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout –enddateOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLSSL check if SSL3 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect -ssl2OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLSSL check if SSL3 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –ssl3OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1.1 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1_1OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1.2 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1_2OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLVerify if the particular cipher is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -cipher 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA' -connect secureurl:443OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLConnect to a server and show full certificate chainopenssl s_client -showcerts -host -port 443 OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLOverride SN when multiple secure sites are hosted on same IPopenssl s_client -servername -host -port 443OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLMeasure SSL connection time with session reuseopenssl s_time -connect -newOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLMeasure SSL connection time without session reuseopenssl s_time -connect -reuseOpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLMeasure speed of security algorithms, rsaopenssl speed rsa2048OpenSSLWin and Unix
OpenSSLMeasure speed of security algorithms, ecdsapopenssl speed ecdsap256OpenSSLWin and Unix
openssl, curlExamine TCP and SSL handshake times using curlcurl -kso /dev/null -w "tcp:%{time_connect}, ssldone:%{time_appconnect}\n" https://example.comOpenSSLWin and Unix
curlCheck URLcurl and Unix
curlstore the output of URL in a filecurl -o website and Unix
curlDownload filescurl -O and Unix
curlDownload with different namecurl -o and Unix
curlFetch Multiple Files at a timecurl -O URL1 -O URL2cURLWin and Unix
curlGet HTTP header informationcurl -I http://domain.comcURLWin and Unix
curlGet HTTP only response header informationcurl -i and Unix
curlAccess an FTP servercurl --user username:passwordcURLWin and Unix
curldownload files via FTPcurl --user username:passwordcURLWin and Unix
curlupload a file onto the FTP server:curl -T filename.extension --user username:passwordcURLWin and Unix
curlFollow HTTP Location Headers with -L optioncurl -L and Unix
curlContinue/Resume a Previous Downloadcurl -O and Unix
curlLimit the Rate of Data Transfercurl --limit-rate 1000B -O and Unix
curlDownload only if modified before/aftercurl -z 01-Jan-19 and Unix
curlPass HTTP Authentication in cURLcurl -u username:password URLcURLWin and Unix
curlMore info Verbose and Trace Optioncurl -v http://google.comcURLWin and Unix
curlSend Mail using SMTP Protocolcurl --mail-from --mail-rcpt smtp://mailserver.comcURLWin and Unix
curlPerform an HTTP POST requestcurl -X GET and Unix
curlPerform an HTTP PUT requestcurl -X PUT and Unix
curlView External IPcurl
digView External IPdig +short @resolver1.opendns.comUnix
nslookupView External IPnslookup resolver1.opendns.comnslookupWin
.Net Version checkView .Net version - Navigate to latest folder\%windir%\Microsoft.NET\FrameWork then .\MSBuild.exe -versionMSBuild.exe -versionWin
mstscFull-screen mode
Admin mode
Matches with local desktop
Matches to to the Client Layout
Edit before running
Switches RDP full or windowed mode
Forces rdp full-screen
Take screenshot pf active rdp window
Reboot remote computer
Take screenshot of entire rdp
mstsc /f
mstsc /admin
mstsc /span
mstsc /multimon
mstsc /edit “connection file”
Ctrl + Alt + Pause
Ctrl + Alt + Break
Ctrl + Alt + Minus
Ctrl + Alt + Plus
Ctrl + Alt + End
Rdp Commands
net viewDisplay a list of computers
List the File/Printer shares on a remote PC
List the shares including hidden shares
List all the shares in the domain
net view
NET VIEW \\ComputerName
NET VIEW \\ComputerName /All
net sharemanage file/printer sharesNET SHARE sharename /DELETE
NET SHARE devicename /DELETE
NET SHARE drive:path /DELETE
net share /del *
net useconnect to a file share (Drive MAP).
Make all future connections persistent
Disconnect from a share
Map a drive using alternate credentials - prompt for pass
NET USE F: \\ComputerName\ShareName /PERSISTENT:YES
NET USE [driveletter:] /DELETE
NET USE G: \\Server\Share1 /USER:domain\username
net accountsAdjust account settingsnet accounts
[/FORCELOGOFF:{minutes | NO}]
[/UNIQUEPW:number] [/DOMAIN]

Linux Bash Commands

Type of CommandNameCommandKeywordOS
digView External IPdig +short @resolver1.opendns.comsystemLinux
yumRemove yum cacheyum clean all
rm -rf /var/cache/yum/*
timedatectlChange time to earlier datetimedatectl
timedatectl set-time 2019-06-19
nmcliNetwork Managernmcli con mod CON1 +ipv4.addresses ""systemLinux
iptablesFirewalliptables (deprecated)systemLinux
firewalldSystem Control Statussystemctl status firewalld
sudo firewall-cmd --state
systemctl status iptables
service iptables status
hostnameSet view hostnamehostname
hostname host.domain.tld
hostnameDisplay the IP addresses of the hosthostname -IsystemLinux
psView services PID to nameps -p 'PID' -o comm=
ps -a [PID]
ps -ef | grep
pmtashowstacksView PMTA versionpmtashowstacks --versionPMTALinux
lsList itemsls -lsystemLinux
nmcliNetwork Managernmcli con show
nmcli device status
nmcliNetwork Managernmcli con add type ethernet con-name CON1 ifname eth1 ip4 \gw4
ip aView IPconfigip addresssyste,CentOS
catSSH authorised keyscat /.ssh/authorized_keyssystemLinux
pwdDisplays working directorypwdsystemLinux
adduserAdd useruseradd USERNAME -d /home/USERNAME
passwd 'PASSWORD
systemctlStart PMTA
Status PMTA
systemctl start pmta.service
systemctl status pmta.service
host/digView public IPhost
dig +short
systemctlSystem reboot/shutdownsystemctl reboot
systemctl shutdown
journalctlView PMTA errorlogjournalctl -u pmta.servicePMTACentOS
systemctlRestart network to updatesystemctl restart networkSystemCentos
head/tailhead/tail: Displays the first/ last 10 lines of a file.tail
tail -f
wgetDownload fileswget
OpenSSLCreate new Private Key and Certificate Signing Requestreq -out geekflare.csr -newkey rsa:2048 -nodes -keyout geekflare.keyOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCreate a Self-Signed Certificate (dafault 30 days)openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout gfselfsigned.key -out gfcert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCreate a Self-Signed Certificate (for 2 years)openssl req -x509 -sha256 -nodes -days 730 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout gfselfsigned.key -out gfcert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLPrint certificate’s fingerprint as md5, sha1, sha256 digestopenssl x509 -in cert.pem -fingerprint -sha256 -nooutOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLVerify CSR fileopenssl req -noout -text -in geekflare.csrOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCreate RSA Private Key (2048-bis is secure enough)openssl genrsa -out private.key 2048OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLRemove Passphrase from Keyopenssl rsa -in certkey.key -out nopassphrase.keyOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLPrint public key or modulus onlyopenssl rsa -in example.key -puboutOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLPrint textual representation of RSA keyopenssl rsa -in example.key -text -nooutOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCheck your private key.openssl rsa -check -in example.keyOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLEncrypt existing private key with a passphraseopenssl rsa -des3 -in example.key -out example_with_pass.keyOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLVerify Private Keyopenssl rsa -in certkey.key –checkOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLVerify Certificate Fileopenssl x509 -in certfile.pem -text –nooutOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLVerify the Certificate Signer Authorityopenssl x509 -in certfile.pem -noout -issuer -issuer_hashOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCheck Hash Value of A Certificateopenssl x509 -noout -hash -in bestflare.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert DER to PEM formatopenssl x509 –inform der –in sslcert.der –out sslcert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert PEM to DER formatopenssl x509 –outform der –in sslcert.pem –out sslcert.derOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert Certificate and Private Key to PKCS#12 formatopenssl pkcs12 –export –out sslcert.pfx –inkey key.pem –in sslcert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert Certificate and Private Key to PKCS#12 format including chainsopenssl pkcs12 –export –out sslcert.pfx –inkey key.pem –in sslcert.pem -chain cacert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCreate CSR using an existing private keyopenssl req –out certificate.csr –key existing.key –newOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCheck contents of PKCS12 format certopenssl pkcs12 –info –nodes –in cert.p12OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert PKCS12 format to PEM certificateopenssl pkcs12 –in cert.p12 –out cert.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCombine several certificates in PKCS7 (P7B)openssl crl2pkcs7 -nocrl -certfile child.crt -certfile ca.crt -out example.p7bOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCombine a PEM and a private key to PKCS#12 (.pfx .p12) + chainsopenssl pkcs12 -export -out certificate.pfx -inkey privkey.pem -in certificate.pem -certfile ca-chain.pemOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConvert a PKCS#12 file (.pfx .p12) back to PEM (for export)openssl pkcs12 -in keystore.pfx -out keystore.pem -nodesOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLList available EC curves supported in OpenSSLopenssl ecparam -list_curvesOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLTest SSL certificate of particular URLopenssl s_client -connect –showcertsOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLFind out OpenSSL versionopenssl versionOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLList cipher suitesopenssl ciphers -vOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCheck PEM File Certificate Expiration Dateopenssl x509 -noout -in certificate.pem -datesOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLCheck Certificate Expiration Date of SSL URLopenssl s_client -connect 2>/dev/null | openssl x509 -noout –enddateOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLSSL check if SSL3 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect -ssl2OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLSSL check if SSL3 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –ssl3OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1.1 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1_1OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLSSL check if TLS1.2 is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -connect –tls1_2OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLVerify if the particular cipher is accepted on URLopenssl s_client -cipher 'ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA' -connect secureurl:443OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLConnect to a server and show full certificate chainopenssl s_client -showcerts -host -port 443 OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLOverride SN when multiple secure sites are hosted on same IPopenssl s_client -servername -host -port 443OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLMeasure SSL connection time with session reuseopenssl s_time -connect -newOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLMeasure SSL connection time without session reuseopenssl s_time -connect -reuseOpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLMeasure speed of security algorithms, rsaopenssl speed rsa2048OpenSSLLinux
OpenSSLMeasure speed of security algorithms, ecdsapopenssl speed ecdsap256OpenSSLLinux
openssl, curlExamine TCP and SSL handshake times using curlcurl -kso /dev/null -w "tcp:%{time_connect}, ssldone:%{time_appconnect}\n" https://example.comOpenSSLLinux
curlCheck URLcurl
curlstore the output of URL in a filecurl -o website
curlDownload filescurl -O
curlDownload with different namecurl -o
curlFetch Multiple Files at a timecurl -O URL1 -O URL2cURLLinux
curlGet HTTP header informationcurl -I http://domain.comcURLLinux
curlGet HTTP only response header informationcurl -i
curlAccess an FTP servercurl --user username:passwordcURLLinux
curldownload files via FTPcurl --user username:passwordcURLLinux
curlupload a file onto the FTP server:curl -T filename.extension --user username:passwordcURLLinux
curlFollow HTTP Location Headers with -L optioncurl -L
curlContinue/Resume a Previous Downloadcurl -O
curlLimit the Rate of Data Transfercurl --limit-rate 1000B -O
curlDownload only if modified before/aftercurl -z 01-Jan-19
curlPass HTTP Authentication in cURLcurl -u username:password URLcURLLinux
curlMore info Verbose and Trace Optioncurl -v http://google.comcURLLinux
curlSend Mail using SMTP Protocolcurl --mail-from --mail-rcpt smtp://mailserver.comcURLLinux
curlPerform an HTTP POST requestcurl -X GET
curlPerform an HTTP PUT requestcurl -X PUT
curlView External IPcurl
ssh-keygenConvert SSH2 to OpenSSHssh-keygen -i -f /path/to/ssh/key > convertedkey.pubcrypto keysLinux
ssh-keygenConvert OpenSSH to SSH2ssh-keygen -e -f /path/to/sshkey > convertedkey.pubcrypto keysLinux
ssh-keygenSH Key fingerprint, dfault SHA256ssh-keygen -l -f /path/to/sshkeycrypto keyskeysLinux
ssh-keygenSH Key fingerprint, MD5ssh-keygen -l -E -f /path/to/sshkeycrypto keysLinux
historyList command historyhistoryLinuxLinux
historyClear entire history
Clear last command off history
history -c
history -cw
System InfoLinux
unameDisplay Linux system informationuname -aSystem InfoLinux
unameDisplay kernel release informationuname -rSystem InfoLinux
catShow which version of redhat installedcat /etc/redhat-releaseSystem InfoRedhat
uptimeSystem uptime + loaduptimeSystem InfoLinux
last rebootShow system reboot historylast rebootSystem InfoLinux
dateShow the current date and timedateSystem InfoLinux
calShow this month's calendarcalSystem InfoLinux
wDisplay who is onlinewho or w or who -aSystem InfoLinux
WhoamiWho you are logged in asWhoamiSystem InfoLinux
dmesgDisplay messages in kernel ring bufferdmesgHardware infoLinux
catDisplay CPU informationcat /proc/cpuinfoHardware infoLinux
catDisplay memory informationcat /proc/meminfoHardware infoLinux
freeDisplay free and used memory ( -h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB.)free -hHardware infoLinux
lspciDisplay PCI deviceslspci -tvHardware infoLinux
lsusbDisplay USB deviceslsusb -tvHardware infoLinux
dmidecodeDisplay DMI/SMBIOS (hardware info) from the BIOSdmidecodeHardware infoLinux
hdparmShow info about disk sdahdparm -i /dev/sdaHardware infoLinux
hdparmPerform a read speed test on disk sdahdparm -tT /dev/sdaHardware infoLinux
badblocksTest for unreadable blocks on disk sdabadblocks -s /dev/sdaHardware infoLinux
topDisplay and manage the top processestopPerf MonLinux
htopInteractive process viewer (top alternative)htopPerf MonLinux
mpstatDisplay processor related statisticsmpstat 1Perf MonLinux
vmstatDisplay virtual memory statisticsvmstat 1Perf MonLinux
iostatDisplay I/O statisticsiostat 1Perf MonLinux
tailDisplay the last 100 syslog messages (Use /var/log/syslog for Debian based systems.)tail 100 /var/log/messagesPerf MonCentOS
/varDisplay the last 100 syslog messages/var/log/syslogPerf MonDebian
tcpdumpCapture and display all packets on interface eth0tcpdump -i eth0Perf MonLinux
tcpdumpMonitor all traffic on port 80 ( HTTP )tcpdump -i eth0 'port 80'Perf MonLinux
lsofList all open files on the systemlsofPerf MonLinux
lsofList files opened by userlsof -u userPerf MonLinux
free Display free and used memory ( -h for human readable, -m for MB, -g for GB.)free -hPerf MonLinux
watch Execute "df -h", showing periodic updateswatch df -hPerf MonLinux
idDisplay the user and group ids of your current user.idUser InfoLinux
lastDisplay the last users who have logged onto the system.lastUser InfoLinux
whoShow who is logged into the system.whoUser InfoLinux
wShow who is logged in and what they are doing.wUser InfoLinux
groupadd Create a group named "test".groupadd testUser InfoLinux
useradd Create an account named john, with a comment of "John Smith" and create the user's home directory.useradd -c "John Smith" -m johnUser InfoLinux
userdelDelete the john account.userdel johnUser InfoLinux
usermodAdd the john account to the sales groupusermod -aG sales johnUser InfoLinux
lsList all files in a long listing (detailed) formatls -alUser InfoLinux
pwdDisplay the present working directorypwdUser InfoLinux
mkdirCreate a directorymkdir directoryUser InfoLinux
rm Remove (delete) file
Remove the directory and its contents recursively
Force removal of file without prompting for confirmation
Forcefully remove directory recursively
rm file
rm -r directory
rm -f file
rm -rf directory
User InfoLinux
cpCopy file1 to file2cp file1 file2User InfoLinux
cp Copy source_directory recursively to destination. If destination exists, copy source_directory into destination, otherwise create destination with the contents of source_directory.cp -r source_directory destinationUser InfoLinux
mv Rename or move file1 to file2. If file2 is an existing directory, move file1 into directory file2mv file1 file2User InfoLinux
lnCreate symbolic link to linknameln -s /path/to/file linknameUser InfoLinux
touchCreate an empty file or update the access and modification times of file.touch fileUser InfoLinux
catView the contents of filecat fileUser InfoLinux
lessBrowse through a text fileless fileUser InfoLinux
headDisplay the first 10 lines of filehead fileUser InfoLinux
tailDisplay the last 10 lines of filetail fileUser InfoLinux
tail Display the last 10 lines of file and "follow" the file as it grows.tail -f fileUser InfoLinux
psDisplay your currently running processespsProcess mgmtLinux
psDisplay all the currently running processes on the -efProcess mgmtLinux
psDisplay process information for processnameps -ef | grep processnameProcess mgmtLinux
topDisplay and manage the top processestopProcess mgmtLinux
htopInteractive process viewer (top alternative)htopProcess mgmtLinux
killKill process with process ID of pidkill pidProcess mgmtLinux
killallKill all processes named processnamekillall processnameProcess mgmtLinux
programStart program in the backgroundprogram &Process mgmtLinux
bgDisplay stopped or background jobsbgProcess mgmtLinux
fgBrings the most recent background job to foregroundfgProcess mgmtLinux
fgBrings job n to the foregroundfg nProcess mgmtLinux
ifconfigDisplay all network interfaces and ip addressifconfig -aNetworkingLinux
ifconfigDisplay eth0 address and detailsifconfig eth0NetworkingLinux
ethtoolQuery or control network driver and hardware settingsethtool eth0NetworkingLinux
pingSend ICMP echo request to hostping hostNetworkingLinux
whoisDisplay whois information for domainwhois domainNetworkingLinux
digDisplay DNS information for domaindig domainNetworkingLinux
digReverse lookup of IP_ADDRESSdig -x IP_ADDRESSNetworkingLinux
hostDisplay DNS ip address for domainhost domainNetworkingLinux
hostnameDisplay the network address of the host name.hostname -iNetworkingLinux
hostnameDisplay all local ip addresseshostname -INetworkingLinux
netstatDisplay listening tcp and udp ports and corresponding programsnetstat -nutlpNetworkingLinux
tarCreate tar named archive.tar containing directory.tar cf archive.tar directoryArchivesLinux
tarExtract the contents from archive.tar.tar xf archive.tarArchivesLinux
tarCreate a gzip compressed tar file name archive.tar.gz.tar czf archive.tar.gz directoryArchivesLinux
tarExtract a gzip compressed tar file.tar xzf archive.tar.gzArchivesLinux
tarCreate a tar file with bzip2 compressiontar cjf archive.tar.bz2 directoryArchivesLinux
tarExtract a bzip2 compressed tar file.tar xjf archive.tar.bz2ArchivesLinux
yumSearch for a package by keyword.yum search keywordInstallingLinux
yumInstall package.yum install packageInstallingLinux
yumDisplay description and summary information about package.yum info packageInstallingLinux
rpmInstall package from local file named package.rpmrpm -i package.rpmInstallingLinux
yumRemove/uninstall package.yum remove packageInstallingLinux
tarInstall software from source code.tar zxvf sourcecode.tar.gz
cd sourcecode
make install
grepSearch for pattern in filegrep pattern filesearchLinux
grepSearch recursively for pattern in directorygrep -r pattern directorysearchLinux
locateFind files and directories by namelocate namesearchLinux
find Find files in /home/john that start with "prefix".find /home/john -name 'prefix*'searchLinux
findFind files larger than 100MB in /homefind /home -size +100MsearchLinux
sshConnect to host as your local username.ssh hostSSH LoginLinux
sshConnect to host as userssh user@hostSSH LoginLinux
sshConnect to host using portssh -p port user@hostSSH LoginLinux
scpSecure copy file.txt to the /tmp folder on serverscp file.txt server:/tmpFile TransferLinux
scpCopy *.html files from server to the local /tmp folder.scp server:/var/www/*.html /tmpFile TransferLinux
scpCopy all files and directories recursively from server to the current system's /tmp folder.scp -r server:/var/www /tmpFile TransferLinux
rsyncSynchronize /home to /backups/homersync -a /home /backups/File TransferLinux
rsyncSynchronize files/directories between the local and remote system with compression enabledrsync -avz /home server:/backups/File TransferLinux
dfShow free and used space on mounted filesystemsdf -hDisk UsageLinux
dfShow free and used inodes on mounted filesystemsdf -iDisk UsageLinux
fdiskDisplay disks partitions sizes and typesfdisk -lDisk UsageLinux
duDisplay folder and file system sizedu -sh
df -h
Disk UsageLinux
duDisplay disk usage for all files and directories in human readable formatdu -ahDisk UsageLinux
duDisplay total disk usage off the current directorydu -shDisk UsageLinux
cdTo go up one level of the directory tree. (Change into the parent directory.)cd ..Dir navigateLinux
cdGo to the $HOME directorycdDir navigateLinux
cdChange to the /etc directorycd /etcDir navigateLinux
chmodPermissionU G W
rwx rwx rwx chmod 777 filename
rwx rwx r-x chmod 775 filename
rwx r-x r-x chmod 755 filename
rw- rw- r-- chmod 664 filename
rw- r-- r-- chmod 644 filename
# NOTE: Use 777 sparingly!
#U = User
#G = Group
#W = World
r = Read
w = write
x = execute
- = no access
pathAdd directories to PATHTo avoid adding "/scripts" or any other path in front of your commands add "/scripts" to your PATH variable.
On your Linux machine edit ".bash_profile" in your home directory. (vim .bash_profile)
Once inside append "/scripts" or any other path to your PATH variable.
sftpQuery and SFTP site for a fileTo check if a file already exists on a remote SFTP server run the below;
echo "ls *fileyouareafter" | sftp -q
-q Quiet mode: disables the progress meter as well as warning and diagnostic messages from ssh(1).
Of course if we are not sure of the path to the file we will have to first log in to the SFTP site and establish the correct path that way.
root sshCentOS disable root sshyum update && yum upgrade
1. useradd - Create a new user
2. passwd - Assign a password to the new user
3. gpasswd -a wheel - Add the new user to the "wheel" group

Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file in your preferred text editor (nano, vi, etc.).
Locate the following line:
PermitRootLogin yes
Modify the line as follows:
PermitRootLogin no
Add the following line. Replace username with the name of the user you created in the previous procedure:
AllowUsers username
systemctl reload sshd
profiile.dCreate a file in /etc/profile.d/ directory (using vim, nano, etc.)Define the alias in the file:
alias la="ls -al" (for example "la" as in "list all")
chmod 755
Log out and then log back in.
dig CAACheck CAA rulesdig type257CAA rulesLinux